~ dreams born of curiosity ~

The intention of this blog is merely to make technologically sound the ever-growing list of "things to do before I die." If you would enjoy partaking or can help bring any of these to fruition, I hope you'll email!

African dreams

~Camp in the Sahara with the Bedouins
~Climb Mt. Kilmanjaro
~Ride a camel...non-commercially?
~Float on the Dead Sea
~Visit the pyramids in Egypt

Antartica dreams

~Join the 300 Club

Asian dreams

~Float in a hot air balloon
~Go deep sea fishing and eat the catch
~India...2007 with my dear family?!
~Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
~Thailand...go fishing at night
~Visit an elephant camp
~Witness the largest manmade archipelago in Dubai

Australian dreams

~Learn to surf
~Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef
~Stand on the International Date Line (Fiji)
~Take a photo safari in the red-sand dessert
~Witness the cathedral termite mounds

European dreams

~Camp on the beach in Greece
~Dance in a big fountain
~England...eat jellied eels from a stall in London
~France...the Eiffel...no surprise!
~Luxembourg-check out castles and family history

North American dreams

~Become adept at snowboarding
~Be able to shoot 4 of every 5 clay pigeons
~Bicycle from Canada to Mexico
~Build a kit car
~Bungee jump
~Catch a fish with my bare hands
~Climb Mt. Rainier
~Coin a word that makes it into the dictionary
~Drive across America from Coast to Coast
~Drive a snowplow
~Drive a caterpillar
~Eco-tour...somewhere warm!
~Enter an item in the county fair
~Fly a plane...small plane
~Go bullfrog hunting
~Go clam digging
~Go to a horse race (and bet???)
~Go up in a hot air balloon
~Go whale watching (and actually spot one)
~Grow a banana tree (and keep it alive till fruit is edible!)
~Grow orchids
~Hike the Pacific Crest Trail
~Hole in one!
~Join geocaching club
~Learn to blow glass
~Learn to parasail
~Learn to flyfish
~Learn to whittle
~Make soap
~Make a fire without matches
~Make soulful music on my guitar
~March in a parade of over 50,000 people
~Paint a car
~Plant a really big garden (1 acre?)
~Ride to NY on a Greyhound
~Run a marathon (without walking)
~Sit on a jury
~Sail around the world
~See the Aurora Borealis
~Shower in a waterfall
~Sit along the infield at the Kentucky Derby
~Stay a night in a teepee
~Storm chase a tornado
~Take a welding class
~Take time off and stay home
~Take a cruise…anywhere
~Visit an ice hotel (Quebec?)
~Watch a launch of the space shuttle

South American dreams

~Become fluent in Spanish...and use it!
~Hike through the Amazon Canopy
~Mountain bike through Patagonia
~Paddle Baja
~Spend a whole day on a glorious beach
~Galapagos Islands...and take too many pictures!